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Arizona Pet Advocates
for Wellness & Sterilization

In 2010, over 100,000 animals were turned into pounds and shelters in Maricopa County. Of those animals, nearly HALF were EUTHANIZED!


Our mission is not simply to reduce companion animal overpopulation and unnecessary euthanasia, but to end them!

25 Free Spays and Neuters

Arizona Pet Advocates in junction with Maricopa County Animal Care & Control are giving away 25 free Spays and Neuters on a Financial Need Basis for puppies and kittens under a year of age.

Appointments will be made through Arizona Pet Advocates.

Only available for Maricopa County Residents

Limit of two animals per household

There will be a mandatory $15 fee for pain medication per pet. 
 Click here to Apply 

We emphasize spaying and neutering pets for the health benefit and for controlling pet populations.

How do we as a community End Senseless Euthanasia?
1. Spays and Neuters – Sterilization – decrease pet over-population and numerous homeless pets 
2. Preventive care – Vaccinations – to prevent euthanasia of companion animals for preventable diseases 
3. Permanent Pet Identification – Microchipping – To return lost pets to their owners, and decrease their chances of euthanasia in animal shelters 
4. Responsible Pet Guardianship – Planned Pethood – considering your obligations as a pet Guardian

 AZPAWS, Arizona Pet Advocates, is a 501(c)3 charitable organization licensed in the state of Arizona. We depend entirely on donations from the public and corporate sponsors. All donations are completely tax deductible. AZPAWS is 100% Volunteer. Your entire donation will be used to create a better life for many companion animals.

In the year to date, Arizona Pet Advocates' Supporters have assisted over 3,000 animals in Maricopa. In addition, our staff has helped sterilize well over a 1,000 feral cats in our community.

Thank you for Donating Now. Any amount is appreciated!

Arizona Pet Advocates partners with several animal-welfare organizations in Maricopa County and surrounding area. Arizona Pet Advocates supporters have has assisted the sterilization of more than 3,000 dogs and cats in the last fiscal year. Arizona Pet Advocates helps fund low-cost spays and neuters, vaccination clinics, and trap-neuter-return programs.

Our director and advisory board, collectively, have over 50 years of experience in animal rescue, preventative care and placement. They have, individually and together, fought for over 10 years to end the suffering and unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals by advocating for low-cost spays/neuters.

Arizona Pet Advocates is focused on preventing the killing of thousands of companion animals in the Maricopa County area by preventing unwanted litters through supporting spaying and neutering at low or no cost for as many cats and dogs as possible. In order to achieve this end, AZPAWS helps to supplement the cost of sterilizations.

Arizona Pet Advocates supports proper vaccination of pets to prevent unnecessary suffering and euthanasia due to preventable diseases. Puppy and Kitten Vaccinations Save Lives!

Maricopa County Shelters and Rescues are overpopulated with unwanted animals and thousands of perfectly good animals are euthanized each year. Spaying and neutering your animal is the only proven way to reduce the pet overpopulation. Help us spread the word!

How to Help.

  1. Spay and Neuter your pets
  2. Adopt from a shelter rather than a breeder
  3. Microchip your pets – Permanent identification helps to return your pet quickly
  4. Volunteer or Foster for an animal rescue
  5. Donate

Thank you for Donating Now. Any amount is appreciated!

Gifts from people like you help us help pets in our community. You can support us by clicking on the link below and making a donation securely through PayPal.

AZPAWS will be glad to provide a speaker for your civic or association group. For further information, call (480) 420-8962.

Arizona Pet Advocates
for Wellness & Sterilization
Working for a healthier future for companion animals with no unnecessary euthanasia.

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